
South Australia’s lodge elite need to own up to cult connections

Crime investigator Shaun Attwood with Rachel Vaughan, daughter of the protected pedophile child abuser and murderer, intelligence operative, the late Allan Maxwell McIntyre (below).

SOUTH Australia’s “pillars of society”, the Grand Lodge freemasons, need to clean house, that is deal with their historical links to the state’s satanic ritual abuse cult known as The Family.

According to the incredibly brave Adelaide woman Rachel Vaughan, that cult has long had connections to Adelaide’s freemasonic community. Ms Vaughan says her father, the late Allan Maxwell McIntyre, was a serial pedophile child murderer and body disposer from “a long line of freemasons” and her grandfather Joseph Wright a lodge head. She says her father was a protected intelligence operative and member of “The Family”, which she describes as a “Luciferian, Rosicrucian and Freemasonic cult”. He was also a member of Golden Dawn, the cult of Aleister Crowley, usually described as a Satanist.

Did members of South Australia’s Grand Lodge decide to “put their mark on the state” in the form of a glider airstrip, north west of Truro, laid out in the shape of a pentagram? We can only speculate.

Rachel Vaughan told her horrific story to UK investigator Shaun Attwood on YouTube last year in order to put pressure on the South Australian government to investigate “The Family” and unsolved crimes like the “disappearance” of the three Beaumont children. Rachel said she wanted to speak to Attwood because many of the children she and her brother Andrew were abused with had English accents and were most likely from the group of 4000 “UK stolen generation” shipped out to Australia after WW2. “They (the South Australian government) will not do anything,” said Rachel. “Myself and my two older siblings have been pressuring for the last 14 years.”

Vaughan says The Family and a pedophilia network is still in existence. Cairns News suspects the historical culture of secrecy that is part and parcel of Adelaide’s freemasonic establishment, is what makes it difficult for this gruesome and sordid criminal history to be dealt with. Adelaide’s masonic history goes back nearly 190 years and was incorporated in the UK even before members arrived in the colony.

The (Grand Lodge) Freemasons of South Australia and the Northern Territory Inc are smart enough now to stand back (at least publicly) from the problematic “secret society” image. They publish the names of their office holders online, along with other in-lodge ceremonial events. They also carry out substantial charity work, such as their impressive $600,000 donations to St John’s Ambulance SA and the SA Country Fire Authority. We can only speculate about what strings might be attached to such generosity.

Charitable works aside, this institution needs to do what the Roman Catholic and other churches have done for the past few decades – deal with the dark, criminal elements that have sheltered under the cloak of respectability. The current list of office holders shows South Australian Freemasonry and the church interconnect.

The connections between freemasonry symbolism and the occult have long been known and are glaringly obvious to anyone who can spare a little time to research the topic. But of course, the freemasons will tell you their “craft” is really all about character building. Many freemasons might well believe that, but in the spiritual realm “things can happen in the dark” that shouldn’t. Just ask the Roman Catholics, the Anglicans and the evangelicals who have dealt with child abuse scandals.

But there’s a critical difference between the church and freemasony. The former advocates for the Kingdom of God and light, while the latter, while claiming to “not be religious”, is absolutely steeped in the beliefs and religions that found themselves in conflict with the God of the Bible and those who follow him.

Look at the direct historical connections between freemasonry and occult secret societies in one William Wynn Westcott (pictured), who joined Freemasonry in 1871 and three years later joined the high-level, British intelligence-connected Quatuor Coronati “research lodge” as a master from 1893–94. Westcott also studied the Kabbalah and became a Rosicrucian in the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Most significantly, he co-founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but later abandoned it as it apparently conflicted with his profession as Crown Coroner and was a political embarrassment of the day.

St Paul teaches in the New Testament that the real war is in the unseen realm, not between “flesh and blood” or that which we can easily see. St Paul says this battle involves the Christ followers “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms”. (Ephesians 6:12) The armour for the battle consists of truth, righteousness, the word of God, faith and prayer.

To the freemasons we say: “You play footsie with demonic powers and seriously bad things will happen, like they have in South Australia, where justice from the authorities – many of whom inhabit your lodges – has been slow and sparse in dealing with your state’s ghastly and gruesome murders, pedophilia and other sexual crimes.” Even the political establishment’s 2004-08 Mullighan Inquiry into child sexual abuse in South Australia turned into little more than a cover-up with only 13 named perpetrators investigated and two charged from 1592 allegations of sexual crimes going back to the 1930s. Much of the inquiry was also subjected to an 80-year suppression order.

For the past few years Rachel Vaughan has been literally unearthing the evidence of her father’s history of gruesome crimes. The family’s home in Edwardston, Adelaide, is connected to a tunnel network, which she and her siblings were forced to use as part of their father’s sick, evil and murderous exploits. Adelaide’s tunnel network is well known, but not entirely. Its secret reaches are still being uncovered.

Need we remind South Australia’s freemasonic elite of the Truro murders, the serial murders of seven girls in the 1970s; the Snowtown or ‘bodies-in-the-barrels’ murders of 11 people in the 1990s; The Family murders involving the torture and murder of five young men from the 1970s to the mid-1980s, and the allegedly unsolved disappearances in Adelaide the Beaumont children. Rachel says her older half-sister Ruth saw the deceased Beaumont children in the boot of a car and this incident was corroborated by her father when he spoke to an investigative journalist in 2015.








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